Category Archives: NewestNews

WordPress 3.3.1 Upgrade

The newest release of WordPress is a security update for WordPress 3.3 which features improved performance and ease-of-use. WordPress now supports drag-and-drop uploading as well as built-in support for many of the most popular features that formerly required plug-ins.

Virtual Websource recommends updating to the latest release of WordPress, primarily for security reasons but we believe you will enjoy the vastly improved dashboard as well. And media handling has been greatly improved.

As always, updating WordPress requires that you perform a complete backup of the database and all plugins. But you do backups at least weekly anyway, right? Right??

Prior to upgrading, ensure that all your plug-ins are compatible with the new release of WordPress. This can be a major issue if you have not been upgrading regularly. Often plug-ins don’t get updated regularly – sometimes they are dropped all together and will not work on the most recent WordPress release. We once upgraded a client from 2.9 to 3.3 and the entire site was killed!

Which points up another really important concept – all sites should have a development site where all changes are tested before they go live, including WordPress upgrades. If you don’t have a development site, talk to us about it today.

Virtual Websource is offering a special WordPress Upgrade package for only $50 which includes full backup and plug-in evaluation. Contact Us today to take advantage of this offer.