
You’ve got your copy, your design, your images and videos… now how does it all get put together into a website? There are numerous ways to construct a site. The purpose and functionality of your site dictates the best approach.


WordPress offers one of the most exciting recent innovations in websites. Initially a blogging platform, the WordPress engine has grown dramatically in recent years to encompass a wide range of functionality. Many WordPress sites no longer even resemble blogs – this entire site is WordPress exclusively. The wide range of often free plug-ins that provide access to huge arrays of capabilities push the WordPress platform into a world-class website construction device. One of the greatest advantages is that much of the regular updating of the website can be accomplished by non-technical people which reduces the cost of running the website and offers new freedom to the website owner. Virtual Websource uses WordPress for most of its websites.


Ultimately, all websites are html. It’s the language of the internet. All other platforms create html to send to your browser. Simple HTML sites, however, are not flexible and require technically proficient people for updates and maintenance.


PHP (PHP: Hypertext Processor) is installed on over 20 million web pages. PHP was created to provider developers with the capability of creating dynamic web pages – pages that can be programmed to provide flexible content rather the static content of HTML pages. WordPress is built on a PHP foundation. Virtual Websource used PHP before switching to WordPress and still uses it for simple projects.


Joomla, Drupal, Concrete… these are CMS (Content Management System) applications. We offer support for existing websites in CMS, but do new development in WordPress. Using a CMS instead of WordPress usually increases the development time and the expense for a project.